Lot 1
Hillside Road
03 5480 9143

Double B Metals Web Styleguide

  • Heading Font:
  • Body Font:
  • Primary Colour
  • Secondary Colour
  • Tertiary Colour
  • Body Colour
Buttons Primary Button Secondary Button Tertiary Button Typography

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Paragraph: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Italic Lists
  • Unordered List Item 1
  • Unordered List Item 2
    • Unordered List Item 2 - Second Level Item 1
    • Unordered List Item 2 - Second Level Item 2
  • Unordered List Item 3

  1. Ordered List Item 1
  2. Ordered List Item 2
    1. Ordered List Item 2 - Second Level Item 1
    2. Ordered List Item 2 - Second Level Item 2
  3. Ordered List Item 3
Links Hyperlink Text